Bonnie Henderson-Winnie is a carver and metalsmith working in a wide variety of materials to create sculptural, ceremonial, and talismanic objects of beauty and magical potency. She draws inspiration from the natural world, poetic and historical research, dreams and visions, the journeys of her fellow travelers, and from the materials themselves.
Bonnie is a longtime student of and practitioner of natural and ceremonial magic, divination, alchemy, and related Western Hermetic paths and practices.
Bonnie K. Henderson-Winnie
Portland, OR
1989-1991 Kansas City Art Institute (Ceramics/Fiber)
2007-2013 Oregon College of Art and Crafts, Studio School (Metals)
2015-2016 Bladesmithing, student of Nicholas Marcelja at Red Troll Forge, Vancouver WA
Group Exhibitions
2013 Myths, Marvels, and Magic, Splendorporium Gallery, Portland, OR
2011 OCAC Metals Department Exhibition, Centrum Gallery, Oregon College of Art and Craft
2010 The Company We Keep, PGE Gallery at the Armory, Portland, OR
2009 OCAC Student Exhibition, Hoffman Gallery, Oregon College of Art and Craft
2006 Oregon Potter’s Association Showcase, Portland Expo Center
2005 Form and Emptiness, Mark Woolley Gallery at the Wonder Ballroom, Portland, OR
2005 Initiates Exhibition, Sekhet-Maat Lodge of Ordo Templi Orientis, Portland, OR
Works in Print
various, Lion and Serpent, 1994-2000